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Tai Chi with Rani

Online and In-Person

"If there were no laughter,
it would not be the way."

Lao Tzu

From Rani

Tai Chi is a poetic experience that, for me, dissolves the self and allows space for connection with everything around us.


The practice of tai chi fuels my insatiable curiosity about the mind/body and encourages me to develop an open heart/mind.


I love teaching tai chi as in this sharing, it develops a generous heart/mind. Generosity helps us moves us away from self-centredness and towards benefitting others.


Tai Chi helps develop light heartedness. I still don’t know my right from my left side, but that has never stopped me!


Tai Chi brings practice, diligence, discipline and perseverance using a self-compassionate approach. As we develop these qualities in tai chi they spill (ooze) over into all aspects of our life.

“When you realise how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.”


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